Associate to CNTA

Become an associate member

Discover the 10 advantages of being an associate of CNTA


Direct contact with CNTA experts


Free basic technical consultancy


Networking and collaboration




Visibility of the partner’s brand


Use of the CNTA facilities


R&D&i opportunities


Free sample collection service


Exclusive price rates


Adaptation to the specific needs of the associate

Direct contact with CNTA experts

CNTA allows its associate members to have direct contact with the centre’s specialists:

  • Associate members can have direct contact via telephone or e-mail with the specialist in the required field
  • Technicians from associate member companies may carry out training visits at CNTA; depending on the type of visit, duration, content and degree of involvement of the CNTA staff, this may entail an associated cost that will be quoted beforehand

Free basic technical consultancy

This service allows associates to instantly resolve aspects related to:

  • Consultations about Spanish legislation shared with EU Member States and the USA.
  • Assistance in processing disciplinary proceedings.
  • Support in resolving client claims and non-conformities and/or audits.
  • Assistance in managing CNTA analytical result analysis and interpretation.
  • Access to the food product standard manufacturing processes catalogue.
  • Basic consultation about manufacturing processes, issues or deviations in processes.
  • Resolving queries about hygiene and food safety requisites

Any consultation that requires an in-depth study, the issuance of a technical report or any referring to different aspects to those mentioned is not considered a basic consultation. In these cases, an economic assessment will be carried out of the work to be done depending on associate rates, and a quotation will be given to the company.

Networking and collaboration

CNTA organises a series of events, some exclusively available to associates, covering issues of interest to the sector and with the aim of promoting networking between associate members:

  • Annual Meeting: exclusive event for CNTA associates, which includes both the annual meeting and a conference
  • Technology Transfer Conference: event open to the entire national agrifood industry, with preferential, free access for associates. The aim of this conference is to disclose and transfer knowledge that can be used by companies to improve their competitiveness
  • Meeting of Directors and R&D Managers: exclusive event for associates, revealing the latest advances in innovation, analysing and discussing technology trends, proposing future projects and promoting networking. Participating associates will also have the ability to influence CNTA’s research activities
  • Other events, depending on the interests of the industry


Associate members can use this platform to access filtered, classified and labelled information about the agrifood sector. The data is obtained from updating over 300 proven sources and is categorised into 8 areas of information:

1. Legislation and regulations
2. Funding opportunities
3. Food safety and alerts
4. Research and analytical techniques
5. Innovation and market
6. Leading edge and trends
7. Technological cooperation opportunities
8. News

All partners can have all the users they need. Each user can customise their own homepage, create alerts, sign up to reports and interact with the information.
Alinnova also has information about interesting events for the sector. It also stores a database of agrifood start-ups in the international sphere.

Visibility of the partner’s brand

The aim of CNTA’s communication tools is to give associate brands greater visibility:

  • The company’s name and logo appear on CNTA’s website (, in the Centre’s annual report, and on the information screen in the entrance of our main headquarters
  • Communication via our new partners’ social networks*
  • Opportunity to organise conferences and/or presentations, in collaboration with CNTA (success stories, participation in open days, technical-commercial presentations, etc.)*
  • The chance to look for communication campaigns to diffuse feats, developments and new changes in the partner company in which CNTA has participated*
  • Receipt of an accreditation CNTA associate member certificate as a client company associated with the centre. Validity for one year.
  • Receipt of a CNTA web seal to be added to CNTA associate company websites.

*Subject to the wishes of the company and CNTA, who will assess the suitability of the communication for all of the associate members.

Use of the CNTA facilities

CNTA provides associates with an assembly hall and seminar hall free of charge, booked in advance.

  • Assembly hall: Capacity for 150 people. The presidential table, with built-in computer screens, can seat a maximum of 7 people. It has the very latest audiovisual technologies:
    • Simultaneous interpretation booths
    • Two projectors
    • Network outlet
    • Wireless microphones
    • Adapted with sound and video outlets for communication media
    • Wi-Fi
  • Seminar hall:
    Capacity for a maximum of 20 people with the option of including a projector with its corresponding screen. It is the ideal space for any kind of training event that requires group dynamics or interaction between attendees.
    Available resources:
  • Wi-Fi
  • Video-conference option
  • Electronic touch-screen board
  • Own laptop
  • Projector
  • Loudspeakers

CNTA also completes this advantage by providing its associates with other kinds of complementary services for use within its facilities, at a discounted rate and upon request of a quote:

  • Catering service (coffee, snacks, etc.)
  • Assistance management service
  • Delivery service of documents provided by the company
  • IT systems service

R&D&i opportunities

CNTA associate members have a series of advantages that allow them to identify R&D&i opportunities, access projects, keep up to date with cutting-edge technology, and influence the research performed by CNTA:

  • Diagnosis and identification of R&D&i opportunities: after an initial meeting with the associate member, a report will be issued with R&D&i suggestions and possible public funding alternatives. This report will propose the most suitable actions for the company: R&D&i projects or Ongoing Consultancy, considering the company’s challenges and CNTA’s technological capacities
  • Possibility of accessing public funding projects in collaboration with CNTA: associate members that request this option shall be included in a database to get the opportunity to form company consortia, to participate in R&D project proposals: regional, national and/or European projects
  • Access to cutting-edge technology and R&D forums in the sector
  • Ability to influence CNTA’s research activities

Free sample collection service

CNTA has agreements with messaging companies to perform this service free of charge for associate members.

  • Only applicable to companies whose geographical location is confined to Spain
  • Exceptional cases of refrigerated, frozen and emergency transport require consultation
  • Exceptional cases of sample collection with a technician require consultation

Exclusive price rates

CNTA associate members benefit from special and advantageous rates:

  • 60% discount in the Crisis Service
  • Up to 50% discount in the following services: Analytical Product Control and Technical Assistance in Productive Processes
  • Up to 30% discount in conferences and congresses organised by CNTA
  • 25% discount in Training
  • Up to 25% discount in R&D&i services
  • Up to 20% discount in the drafting of reports and ad hoc bulletins from the Technological Monitoring Service
  • Preferential trading conditions in association fees for business groups

Adaptation to the specific needs of the associate

CNTA’s target is to provide its associate members with the best and most complete service possible, which is why it strives to adapt to the specific needs of each associate:

  • If the associate requires a service that CNTA does not offer, it will study the possibility of providing it or outsourcing to give the most thorough response possible
  • Exclusive treatment compared to non-associate companies, in special and crisis situations. We will do everything possible to help companies manage situations
  • Analytical Product Control services will immediately alert the associate if any deviations are detected in the product specifications

As well as enjoying the advantages described, as part of CNTA, associate members also have the right to:

  • Choose and be chosen for positions within the Governing Board. Accreditation as associate member for a minimum of 4 years will be required
  • Take part in the Meetings and intervene in them with a voice and a vote
  • Be informed about the composition of the governing and representative bodies, the balance sheet, and the development of CNTA’s activity.
  • Use all the services provided by CNTA.
  • Freely express opinions in professional interest issues and make proposals and requests to the association’s governing bodies.
  • Call upon the Centre to lodge the actions and resources deemed necessary to defend the interests of its associates within the objective established in the statutes.
  • Contest the agreements reached by the governing bodies deemed contrary to the law or statutes, as well as to exercise other rights within the statutes or those within applicable legal provisions.
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