


Resource efficient and safe food production and processing

RESFOOD, “Resource Efficient and Safe Food Production and Processing”, is a European project funded by the 7th Framework Programme, which aims to maximise productivity in resources and to research recycling and reusing possibilities of sub-products in pre-prepared food and juice industries and using sustainable technologies. This project commenced in 2012 and finished in late 2015.
The main impact of RESFOOD targets the efficiency of resources in food production and processing via major savings and the recovery of water (30-75%), nutrients (up to 80%) and recovering sub-products of interest based on agricultural raw materials. The innovative technologies used in the project have contributed significantly to improving the competitiveness of the participating SMEs, and have allowed for the creation of new opportunities and economic solutions for this kind of company.
The RESFOOD consortium comprises 18 partners, of which 10 are SMEs from 6 different countries, among which are research bodies, technology providers and end users. The Spanish partners are the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA), CT-Adesva Agroindustrial, Vega Mayor S.L. And Agrícola El Bosque S.L. CNTA has participated by leading activity related to the decontamination of recently cut vegetables and the disinfection of processing water. Among the other tasks undertaken by CNTA, it is worth highlighting the involvement of the Centre in recovering plant biomass by extracting bioactive components and the rapid detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria in reused water. In terms of cutting edge technology, CNTA has tested the disinfectant effect of electric pulses and has used the DHPLC technique to identify pathogenic bacteria.
RESFOOD enables the development and transfer of innovative technologies for the production of safe food through the efficient use of resources evaluated on a pilot scale using sustainable strategies (Integral Green Concept). | Twitter: @RESFOODProject | Facebook




“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308316”

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